The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70337   Message #1203620
Posted By: GUEST,larry K
09-Jun-04 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops
I have zero problem with anyone who has listened to Rush not liking him or critizing him.   My problem is with the majority of people who criticize Rush who have never listened to him and are basing their opionions on heresay or other peoples opinions.

When Franken started he was on 6 stations.   Two of the stations had problems with payrolls/lawsuits and went off the air. (LA and Chicago I believe)   Since than, I have read about payroll problems, mass defections with most of the station leadership resigning, and Franken working for no salary.   I did not read anything about expanding to 14 stations.    That surprises me as the launch of Air America was promoted heavily throughout all the media.   Even 14 stations is miniscule when compared to other syndicated hosts.   Bill O'reilly, Laura Ingram, and others have all started new shows in the past year or two with over 100 stations right out of the box. I will wait till he makes Talker Magazine heavy hundred list before I would consider it any kind of success.

Rush has been the leading talk show host in ratings (per talker magazine) for 15 straight years now.    There are many other conservative (and liberal) hosts that have come and gone and have never been number 1.   In addition, talk radio was a dying market. Rush revolutionized it and made it a very successfull format today.   To not give him credit for that is ignorant.