The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70349   Message #1203733
Posted By: treewind
09-Jun-04 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Are you going to Strawberry Fair? (UK-June 8)
Subject: RE: Are you going to Strawberry Fair? (UK-June 8)
Or even here in the UK.
I'm losing track of how many levels of double irony are going on here myself, and I posted some of it...

Compton, as far as I know the Thaxted dancers and the Abbots Bromley dancers are all real people and enjoy what they are doing.

By the way, I have heard that Thaxted do the ABHD with the full knowledge and approval of the AB people, so any view that they shouldn't do it at all should be qualified as purely subjective opinion.

Anyway whichever parts of my posting and previous GUEST's you chose to take seriously and which (more wisely) with a large pinch of salt, I recommend anyone who only knows the Thaxted version to see the Abbotts Bromley version. And vice versa. They are very different but both great events in quite different ways.
