The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70494 Message #1203920
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
09-Jun-04 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: God Quits, Reagan Accepts New Post....
Subject: RE: BS: God Quits, Reagan Accepts New Post....
I nominate another name for the late departed---as noted in another thread on him---Reagan Rapture---which I would re name Reagan Redux.
How about instead of the Great Communicator ---the Great Glimmo, master of smoke and mirrors. Ketchup and Pickles as vegetable designates in school lunch programs, clearing out the mental hospitals, Trees are responsible for Global Warming, lower taxes (so states have to raise theirs), ---the list goes on.
I don't deny his suffering nor his release from pain. But, all this hoopla is beyond me. His wife has updated the plans for years, according to the press, the government is going along with it---and think---he is not a sitting pres. who died in the line of duty---ala JFK, Lincoln, etc;( I won't mention who's boots he is not even worthy of shining ---if that is an expression) Sounds like a very nice celebration at the Public's expense---another Reagan legacy---debt.
The death of any one diminishes us all, but as a poster in the other thread said----a quote from a writer---I did not kill anyone but have read many an obit with glee.