The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70434 Message #1204463
Posted By: InOBU
10-Jun-04 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Review: Mmario's fine CD
Subject: RE: Review: Mmario's fine CD
Okydoky Boyo: Favorite song... Cape St. Mary's, I can see why it refused to leave your mind, and you do it justice. Most comercial song, and one i really enjoyed, the Knight and the Unicorn. I also liked the mist covered mountains... have you seen the film, Local Hero? It is played as a really nice waltz in the ceili scene. Advice? I would put serrious album notes and send it to Oscar Brand for concideration for his WNYC folk music show. Nice setting for Cruscin Lan as well, I know another version sung in Kerry. Cheers and again thanks Lor