The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14193   Message #120500
Posted By: Allan C.
04-Oct-99 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Oct 4)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Oct 4)
It really is amazing how much STUFF we have, through no fault or effort of our own, stored inside our heads. And every great once-in-a-while we get a glimpse of some of it at unexpected times.

Years ago my father asked me to help him repair a sliding glass door. He confessed that he didn't know very much about them. I told him I would help him to puzzle it out. But as we began, I started using some tricks to make the job easier and made a few adjustments here and there. And before long the door was back in place and working perfectly. My dad was amazed and asked where I learned how to do all of that. In that moment, I suddenly realized that I spent about a week installing sliding glass doors almost thirty years before. Even though I had long since forgotten those days, there was something in my head that opened the misplaced files of information I needed.

Once I dreamed I was playing a gig and someone requested that I play a particular song. This was a song which had been thwarting my every effort to figure out. I told the requester that I would give it a try. I played it without error. I got so excited that I woke myself up! I got the guitar and tried what I had played in the dream. It worked!

What a marvelous thing we have inside our heads!