The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70557   Message #1205003
Posted By: jacqui.c
11-Jun-04 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan & Recreational Grieving Syndrome
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan & Recreational Grieving Syndrome
To some extent I agree, Green Man.

Reagan was 93 and had effectively been out of the public eye for a long time. Was it expected that he would live forever? Of course it's sad for his family but for the rest of us? Ray Charles was 73 and had been performing up to very recently, I believe. I was touched by his death as with the deaths of many musicians and authors whose works I have enjoyed. It certainly isn't enough, though to make me go into mourning for them.

It seems that celebrity has become the new 'religion'. People pore over every little detail that's published and are always avid for more. What's the betting that, at some time soon, there will be articles uncovering the 'downside' of Reagan's life with reporters turning over every stone for all the salacious details they can find. And the people who are 'mourning' his passing will be reading those accounts just as eagerly.

What seems to be missing today is compassion. I didn't particularly like Diana but I felt for her sons when she died. In the same way I feel for Nancy Reagan, who is obviously heartbroken by the death of her husband. They are the ones who deserve to be thought of, as is the case in any death, whatever one's opinion of the deceased or the survivors. I agree that the outpouring of grief is very much a case of 'look how nice I am'. Then those people go on their way without any real thought for the survivors, who are quite often left to pick up the pieces without any real support.