The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14192   Message #120509
Posted By: Margo
04-Oct-99 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
Subject: RE: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
Oh 'Spaw, what a nice ending to your blind date! I had one blind date (that was enough). He was an insurance salesman. He walked through the door, and I showed remarkable control by not bursting out laughing. The guy was in a brown suit, a bowler type hat, and had a round face with a small nose and big round brown eyes......a dead ringer for Elmer Fudd! So I thought to myself, "let's not judge this guy, he might be nice". So we go to a French restaurant, have rabbit, wine, french salad, wine, dessert, wine, you get the picture. Then on the way home, he took me to a park. Nice place, went for a walk, got back in the car and he starts to talk dirty to me! Hell, I was nineteen, and I was appalled. I insisted on going home. Fortunately, he took me and I never saw him again. Boy, I had forgotten about that one. Crazy!
