The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14192   Message #120512
Posted By: Big Mick
04-Oct-99 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
Subject: RE: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
I think that "Christie" is having fun with us again. "Little Neophyte", indeed. I think we have someone who is either one of us, or is a young person who stumbled onto this nest of aging folkies and hippies and is enjoying watching us trip over ourselves to show what "sensitive" types we are. That is OK, as long as we realize what is going on............

And my tuppence worth is, go to the gigs/sessions and play....If you can make music there, perhaps then in other settings. Just take your time, and keep it on neutral turf for a bit.
