The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70466   Message #1205160
Posted By: beadie
11-Jun-04 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Subject: RE: BS: Reagan Rapture!
Some posts back, our esteemed Guest opined that the public's opinion of all presidents has a tendency to rise with the passage of time. Absence may, indeed, cause the heart to grow fonder in some cases, but I am suspicious that this is not always the case in the public arena. Aside from the events and speeches immediately surrounding the funereal ceremonies of his death, Mr. Nixon has not seemed to gain a whole lot of stature from that which he had at the time of his resignation. More recently, how many critics have softened their disdain of Mr. Clinton. Guest seems to imply that Mr. Kennedy's stock has risen in the four decades since his passing. To the contrary, I think. The 70% average approval rate reported by Gallup during his term is likely substantially above what might be currently polled in light of recent revelations of his deceit about numerous things (his health, his family life, foreign policy decisions).

All in all, though, the "fog of time" effect on the country's recollection may just be another indicator of how much we, as a people, never quite lose our hatred of the study of history.

Its so irritating when those pesky facts intrude on our blissful memories and reverie.