The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14192   Message #120535
Posted By: WyoWoman
04-Oct-99 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
Subject: RE: Blind Dating & Match Making Etiquette
Well, Mick. I don't think you were completely out of line. I wondered as well. I think Christie and Garg are probably one in the same, at least in the same spirit. But until proven wrong, I've decided to take Lil' Neo at her word.

Little Neo... My advice? Don't date. Play music, learn music, play lots of places and with lots of people and completely devote your time to your work and to your passions in life. I wish I had back all the time I spent in my life trying to find a partner or keep the partner I was with happy, and could just give it all to music instead. It's not that I've wasted my life or anything, but I'd rather know a lot more songs now than some of the fellas I've known.

Sorry, guys. That wasn't male-bashing. Most of my best friends are men, but all this intensity over finding romance uses up energy we might be better served in the long run investing elsewhere. Does that sound hopelessly cynical of me?
