The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70397   Message #1205729
Posted By: Bobert
12-Jun-04 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Subject: RE: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Shoot, Martin, if you think calling someone "juvinile" is my "only" arguement, you apparently haven't been around here too long or read been reading my posts... Sorry that you find my arguments "boring" but that's Boss Hog's usual reaction to those of us in the working class.

Not too many musicans that I can think of, KimC, that I want as president... When I was in college I was selected from hundreds of applicants to an experiemental class limited to 10 students. It was taught by T. Edward Temple who was at the time the Comm9issioner of the Administartion under Virginia's Governor. The name of the class was "Contemporary Urban Problems Seminar" and lasted two full sememsters. Though I was a History and Poli-Sci major there was nothing that really prepared me for the complexity of the issues we tackled. No, I don't want actors and musicans to be in charge. I want folks who have had to grind some gray matter in running complex systems. Without that experience, all you get is "C student" results. Hey, I don't mind musicans and actors acting in advisory roles but I want some good old fashion "experience", just like if I needed a surgeon. When one elects inexperiences ideologues then what we have today is about all we can expect... Crappy *governace* and more *ruling*. Rulers don't have to explain themselves. I want a guy (or gal) who can explain himself, thank you...
