The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69902   Message #1205761
Posted By: Amos
12-Jun-04 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Innocent private contractors in Iraq?
Subject: RE: Innocent private contractors in Iraq?

First of all, I wish you'd be a little more specific about dirty work and about who should lose their shirts. The Titan corporation offers honest employment to thousands of people who are busy doing normal stuff, like writing software for simulators, for example, or satellite software for weather sats, or figuring out how to design UAVs or whatever. They are not causing any misery, as you put it. If your wish comes true it will cause a lot of misery.

There haven't been any details released as to why Titan was named in this suit, and I look forward to the revelations. If the heinous implications of the lkawyer's assertions seem to be true, I will move on rapidly. I won't be convinced by a third-person news clipping, though.