The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70397   Message #1206061
Posted By: Two_bears
13-Jun-04 - 03:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Subject: RE: BS: Ronald Reagan - Sadly Missed
Hell, Bear, even Geo. Bush Senior called Reagan's program "voodoo economics". Guess you neo-con types won't even believe your own!

GHW Bush was wrong. Wasn't he.

Neither GHW or GW Bush are conservative.

I have made it abundantly clear that I do not like GW bush. A person that refuses to keep their word; I have no use for.

Several times; GW has appealed to the conservatives by saying he will veto a bill, then signs the bill.

Don't get me started on the patriot act 1 and 2 that is damaging out freedom.

Don't get me started on the mexican border where about 50,000 illegals are streaming across the border every month.

and about 20 other reasons why I do not like GW Bush.

i never voted for GW Bush the first time, and will not vote for him this time.