The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43493   Message #1207741
Posted By: Tracey Dragonsfriend
15-Jun-04 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: CD player repair
Subject: RE: CD player repair
Aha! Thanks you for pointing that out, Foolestroupe! I completely missed that useful little link. It comes out as :
then what I did to him to mio was to put a small piece to him of plastico between cam to gear and load to gear and improved muchisimo the entrance and exit of tray... the complete tray saves buying to me, the flexible one also was damaged... I changed it and everything works ok.
So, I think we can say "Ah, good", then!

But I still wonder whether lamarca got his CD to work...

Tracey Dragonsfriend
Scorch's Pyrography