The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70646   Message #1207856
Posted By: DougR
15-Jun-04 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Former Diplomats & Military Against Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Former Diplomats & Military Against Bush
Uh, probably the last general election TIA. The importance of those named is largely in the eye of the beholder. True they held responsible positions in government or in the military but so what? Pure politics in my opinion. Were the Republican Party willing to spend the money, I'm sure they could find a like number of individuals with equal responsibility in government and the military to sign on to an ad supporting GWB. They (like me) might question the viability of such an ad though.

Question, TIA (and others who believe such an ad is effective)would such an ad sway YOUR vote? Bush haters are going to vote against him regardless of how many such ads run in the newspapers. Any undecideds who are swayed by it likely would have voted against GWB anyway when the chips are down.
