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Thread #70646   Message #1207883
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
15-Jun-04 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Former Diplomats & Military Against Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Former Diplomats & Military Against Bush
There is a famous picture of John Kerry and 20 of his fellow soldiers in Viet Nam.   Kerry talks about this picture all the time.   (Oh- did I mention that John Kerry fought in Viet Nam?    I thought you might have forgot if Kerry didn't mention it 50 times a day.

In that picture, 12 of the people have come out in writing against John Kerry.   4 are dead.   2 won't go on record with a comment. 2 are for him.   So, of the people that knew him best in Viet Nam (did I mention that Kerry fought in Viet Nam?) 12 of the 14 on record support Bush and feel Kerry is not qualified for office.

Now who do you believe.    Former amabassadors or the people who fought side by side with him- did I mention that Kerry fought in Viet Nam?   But lets not talk about it.   As Kerry said on the Senate floor, we should not judge anyone on the basis of whether they served in Viet Nam.