The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70784   Message #1209128
Posted By: Les from Hull
17-Jun-04 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Who's going to Beverley festival?
Subject: RE: Whose going to beverley festival?
Actually. we're not that sure what we're doing in Hodgson's on Friday. We've been asked to run the Friday sing thing, but we don't have a starting time or anything.

But as Maggie has to work in the afternoon, and I'm completely free (or at least relatively inexpensive) what say we meet up then - Mr and Mrs Flags, the Sensitive One and the Sensitette, South Yorkshire's least favourite Scotsman, and anybody else who wants to help put the world to rights with the aid of alcohol (I'll have a large alcoholade, please). Just name the pub!