The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70797   Message #1209587
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Jun-04 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Do Physicists Think About?? IV
Subject: RE: BS: What Do Physicists Think About?? IV
Amos, et al.: Consider the implications of this discovery!

"We discuss the relative importance of several possible hadron-hadron interaction mechanisms and review a coupled-channel Schrödinger model incorporating some of these mechanisms. Its application to pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar S-wave scattering is reviewed and updated to include new insights about the underlying intermeson interactions. We find that s-channel resonance formation and quark-exchange processes are sufficient to reproduce experimental observations, and that the new predictions are qualitatively consistent with the earlier results. New results for exotic K+K+ scattering are also presented and compared with a Born-level quark-exchange calculation."

Quark-level computing! A trit-based system, even!