The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70798   Message #1209709
Posted By: Sweetfia
18-Jun-04 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday Sweetfia
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Sweetfia
Cheers everyone!! I truly appreciate it.

Dad, it's ok, you're buying the rounds tonight...mine's erm, a ... coke please....*bgrin*

Of course i will Sttaw, it will be a pleasure to sing witcha!

Micca - I've never heard that song before actually! 'Sweetfia' is just a twist on my nickname Fia! Boring really! Oh, and because i'm a real!

Love and kisses on the bottom to you all, Sophia xxx

("witcha" - teenage slang cos teenagers are too lazy to say their words correctly (or type them), pronounced 'wi-tcha', not 'witch-a'...hehe...x)