The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70753   Message #1210141
Posted By: Raedwulf
18-Jun-04 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
Subject: RE: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
Actually, she's a one star general, Mary. In UK parlance, a Brigadier - the lowest rank of general staff. To all intents & purposes, she is middle-management. The highest middle-management, but MM nonetheless. She is someone that makes tactical decisions, not strategic ones, if you see what I mean.

However, what doesn't jibe for me is the fact that she claims she didn't know anything about the abuse until the enquiries started. Nevertheless, she seems to be sure that orders came from above.. What? And said orders bypassed her entirely? She doesn't know what's going on either above or below??!! Not much of a manager, whatever her profession...