The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70855   Message #1210162
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
18-Jun-04 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Electoral College - why keep it ?
Subject: RE: BS: The Electoral College - why keep it ?
I feel that a popular vote would be the way to go. There is, however, a certain logic to the Electoral College.   Since all the states are united in a federation called the United States of America and each state has certain sovereign rights (or at least was supposed to) this was meant to level the playing field, so to speak.   A state with a larger population and/or area was given more votes than one with less. These are re-apportioned on a regular basis---each state gets 2 electors (for the senators of each state) and then a proportion equal to their representation in the House.

In this way the states are, in theory, represented properly (not equally).

My own opinion is that if we keep thinking of states as individual sovereignties with "states rights" then it is a proper procedure. If, on the other hand, we are willing to say this is one nation and there are no state bounderies--well, then it would follow a popular vote would be the way to go. We would also eliminate 50 state beurocracies and governors. The down side---we would be giving the Federal Government unlimited authority. Looking at today's situation one has to ask---how smart is that?

So, in short, if it ain't broke don't fix it. But, that said, fix problems like the "short count" (I steal a line from a Dempsey fight)in Florida. Hanky Panky is the enemy not the way the elections work.

Bill Hahn