The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70666   Message #1210217
Posted By: Bobert
18-Jun-04 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam should be charged or released
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam should be charged or released
Okay, T-Bird, I must confess that I was stoned 'er something and thought that Condi Rice and Dick Cheney both made reference to a "musroon cloud" over our heads when they were busy tryingt to sell their designer war to the American people... I woulda swore that happened but if you say they didn't make those referneces then, geeze, I guess I owe everyone a big apology...

Not! You knothead. I werehn't stoned and they did make those references about Iraq... You can diny it it. Heck, you can deny the sky is blue of the that the Earth revolves around the sun... Knock yer danged knothead self out...

And yeah, the Clinton administartion did favor a regime change in Iraq but didn't exactly leave the orders or blueprint on how to do it on Bush's desk for an invasion. That's your interpretaion which doesn't exactly have any factual basis... Normal for you and yer stickman, Dougie...

Now you want to rewrite the part about the Bush administration's post invasion excuses for invading Iraq. Hey, T-Bird. We have all been here viewing the same chain of events. Just how amny folks do you think you are fooling? Just because you may easily be fooled it's notfail yto assume that everyone is... I'm worried about you, pal. Maybe you should see a doctor about this memory thing. Is it the marriage thing, 'er what. Come on, you can talk to yer ol' hillbilly friend. I won't tell noone else 'round here 'bout nuthing you say...

Okay, I take back the "huddled" word. Happy? Didn't think so. Okay, maybe they just sat around Bush's office with their PR team and came up with their *new and improved* reason for attacking Iraq... Yeah, that's what they did... No huddle... Just a meeting. Okay?

What else did you falsely accuse me of? Hmmmm? Oh yeah, Saddam's link to bin Laden... Was that it? Well, the 9/11 Commission has allready put that one to rest tho Bush thinks he can just out PR them and get it back on the front burner... Speaking of links to bin Laden, I'm a lot more concerned with the Bush family's links to bin Laden and why so many bin Ladens got preferntial treatment in the days after 9/11 in being allowed to leave the US in the only commercial airplane allowed in fly in US airspace in the two day's following 9/11. The story is that some of them had been interviewed by the CIA or FBI and were okay to leave. Is that your story, too, T-Bird. (Watch out. This maybe a trick question...)

Enuff fir now, pal...
