The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70855   Message #1210243
Posted By: Bobert
18-Jun-04 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Electoral College - why keep it ?
Subject: RE: BS: The Electoral College - why keep it ?
Ahhh, not is the electorial college un-democratin but democracy, the way it is practiced in the US is today, is also un-democratic. Neither are what the Founding Fathers had in mind... The Founding Fathers knew the art of compromise... There no compromise in the US governemnt at all... There's actually no governance... There's rule at that it. Whichever party manges to out manipulate the other in telling better lies, or downright cheating, wins.... gets to rule...

So why keep either the electorial college or a system where winner take all? They are both un-democratic and miserable failures...

Just MO, of course...
