The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70656   Message #1210394
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-Jun-04 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: June Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: June Shanty Session at the Press Room
Charley -- Tom and I spent our wedding night at the Captain Lord mansion. But I don't know if that's song fodder . . .

Sinsull! I think we haven't seen you since you got back after surviving Chicago last, what, November?!?

Jeff Warner is back from England (and Mystic) and will be there. Barbara Benn is, I think, in Brooklyn. Barry Finn was at the session last night so probably won't make the trek from Derry today. (Too bad -- I still have the Bob Nilson drawing for him of all of us dancing on stage St. Patrick's night.)

Where's Brien Hoye?

Jeff and I may sing a decidedly unnautical "Cuckoo's Nest" just because we discovered last night that we both know it. Or I could sing the combination of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Battle Cry of Freedom" to annoy Jeri -- or make her join me in incurring the Wrath of Tom.

Hope AllanC arrives in good time and Sinsull can drag him to the session.
