The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69027   Message #1210611
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Jun-04 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: Silver Burdett School Songbooks
Subject: RE: Silver Burdett School Songbooks PermaThread
Guest Jess Tyre- Silver Burdett "Making Music" is now part of Pearson-Scott Foresman. They may have the old records of Silver Burdett. is the website- you might find some way of contacting them for information. The current site has a list of composers in their current books- Delius not mentioned.

Both of these children's songs are on a cd of Delius' part-songs- "Frederick Delius: Complete Part-Songs," tracks 14-15 -
Available from Amazon but limited quantities!

Books of the Progressive Series occasionally come up in dealers' lists.

emjay, I have a copy but didn't want to cross-post.