The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70656 Message #1211145
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Jun-04 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: June Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: June Shanty Session at the Press Room
Charley -- I second your motion on AllanC -- he'd be a really great addition to the music scene in coastal New Hampshire and Maine.
Gonna miss YOU and the rest of the Roll and Go contingent, though, for the next coupla sessions. Have to put more pressure on some of the folks who have been making excuses, I guess.
Sorry, I couldn't post earlier -- we've been social butterflies this weekend. Went to a music party with the Irish contingent in Dover after last night's session, then had another party (with some music, but the lovely day, the great conversation and all the fine food sort of lulled us into talking and eating more than playing music) in Massachusetts this afternoon. Earlier this morning I ended up taking a friend to the emergency room of the hospital in Rochester, NH -- adding yet another hospital to my list of the past few months. This one disguises the ER entrance as the main entrance of the hospital and neglects signage. Sigh. Got her there okay, though, and then I had to leave as there was nothing much else I could do and I felt sure they would keep her (or another friend could pick her up).
Do you realize I only sang ONE sea-related song yesterday?!? (Well, and a sea-related recitation.) But, I'm sure everybody in the songs DRANK water at least . . . I ended up at the party later singing water-related "Lovely Agnes" and "Three Score and Ten" -- both requests.
I really liked Ken Coles' song with the same tune as "Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her." Too many songs to learn; not enough time.