The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70753   Message #1211315
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
21-Jun-04 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
Subject: RE: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
Just a reminder that this interview will drop off the BBC website about 33 hours from now. I've just listened to it, belatedly, and it's interesting listening. I have just learnt that as well as being just a one-star general, Karpinski is herself a part-timer. (See my post above.)

I don't know how much of her view can be accepted at face value, but she raised some valid concerns and pointed to significant shortcomings in Maj-Gen Taguba's report. I will be amazed if she is ever court-marshalled or tried any other way, as it is plain that whatever her own failings may have been (and I don't know about that), others more senior than her were more directly implicated in these war crimes. This is a can of worms the Pentagon will not want to open.

If her leadership is as weak as is now implied, then that would raise questions about how she was selected, and how so relatively junior an officer, and part-timer to boot, was loaded with the responsibility for 14,000 prisoners. By comparison, the more senior Gen Miller had a mere few hundred to torment at Guantanamo before he was parachuted into Abu Ghraib.

For convenience, here's the BBC link again: Karpinski BBC interview. When you get to the page, click under "Listen Again" - ie where it says "listen again to the most recent program." (Apologies if those stateside have heard Karpinski's story many times, but in the UK this is a first.)