The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70656   Message #1211357
Posted By: Charley Noble
21-Jun-04 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: June Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: June Shanty Session at the Press Room

I was thinking about leading another Great Lakes song that Sally Rogers sings, Craig Johnson's "Keweenaw County" with its chorus of "The Keweenaw light swings over the bay" but I wasn't sure I could access all the verses. I also like the song she wrote for her father, with it's vivid images of him sailing by himself toward the end of his life. What was that one called? Something like "Sails in Autumn." Maybe I'm just imaging it. No, I just looked it up and it's called "Old Father Fall" and recorded on her IN THE CIRCLE OF THE SUN album.

Charley Noble