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Thread #70753   Message #1211554
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Jun-04 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
Subject: RE: BS: Gen Karpinski re Iraq prisoners
I agree all the way with what you say, Steve, but I do have to take issue with "But stacking them up naked is more of a Frat House prank." From what I've heard, the Iraqis (perhaps Muslims in general, but I'm not sure) take nudity a bit more seriously than we do. To them (again, from what I've heard), being seen nude is shameful and humiliating. And anything smacking of the sexual, particularly the homosexual (despite what an individual's own orientation might be), is especially repugnant. Perhaps worst of all is being naked and forced to crawl around on all fours with at the end of a leash and being mocked by a woman. I think they regard that as a lot more humiliating than a mere "frat house prank." Completely robbing someone of his dignity, especially in front of his peers, is a form of psychological torture.

Don Firth