The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52997   Message #1211672
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
21-Jun-04 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
Subject: RE: BS: the BEST!!! Nigerian scam letter yet!
Larry, there is no point in replying to these people just to admonish them or score points (and yeah I know you didn't reply anyway), BUT ...

The only way you can affect these scam artists is by wasting their time. I always send a brief reply back telling them I am very interested and how can I help. I also say I am coming out on business to their country in ten days time and can we meet up at the local Sheraton.

They invariably reply that that would be nice but first they need your bank details phone no. etc, etc.

I reply airily that there is no need for them to concern themselves about such mundane details, time enough for all that when we meet up in Lagos (or wherever). At this point I always express concern about their financial state and ask whether they could use some money to tide them along until I arrive in their country and we finally unlock the $25,000,000.

Nine times out of ten they will say they need $6,000 to cover expenses for their attorneys or whatever, to which I reply a day later that I have sent the money by Western Union, and I furnish them with a test question and a fictitious dispatch number.

Now, to further screw them up, you tell them that the money is made out to the name of the person purporting to be the widow/orphan or whatever, because invariably they ask you to make the money payable to a different name (supposedly accountant or lawyer)

They will then respond asking you to change the name of the payee.

You then reply saying you have checked the status of your money transfer and you have found that the money has already been collected at a specific branch office (easily found by Googling). You can act hurt at this point and upbraid them for their duplicity.

The point of this is that they will almost certainly take time out to go to the agent in question and try to find out whether the money was in fact paid.

Here are the most recent exchanges in my latest correspondence with Mrs Rose Obaseki wrote:
Dear Rose

I have been today to the Western Union office where I transferred the funds ( South Dixie Highway Miami ) to monitor the status of my money transfer, and was informed that the money has been picked up by Mrs Rose Obaseki at 3.15 today (Friday) local time.

The branch at which the money was picked up was   

Zenith International Bank,Plot 84, Jose Adeogun Street ,Victoria Island

I therefore assume you have in fact managed to receive the money according to my instructions, and can I now assume you are in a position to recive the balance, which I shall round up to $3,000 ?

My trip to Nigeria is imminent, and I want all loose ends tidied up before I meet up with you.

Yours in God

Thomas Dixon

Dear Thomas Dixon,

Be informed that this transaction is not a joke; it is either you are with us or you are out. I feel you are taking us for granted, by giving us cock and bull stories or may be trying to play with our integrity by not abiding to the rule, in the first place I did not ask you for money so why bothering your self with lies, I suggest that you recall your money, I'm no more interested. All I believe is that so long there is life I have hope. if you fill without you I am doom you are making a big mistake because you are not my God, I confided in you because I was thinking you are a God sent to rescue me. One thing it is always said that "the happiness of a man does not depend on how happy and well to do he is.......... but on how happy others can be because of him" so shall his blessing rain and God will be happy with him.

So if you think you are the grate or king Solomon, I do not think so because you are not your brother keeper neither do you love your neighbor as your self, I feel you are been reluctant to assist simply because I am black but God hate discrimination and be informed that all that glitters today might not be the Gold of tomorrow. I wonder why you are not brave enough to tell me that you are not ready to assist instead of tossing me around.

Take care.

Rose Obaseki