The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70839   Message #1211993
Posted By: GUEST,Chris
22-Jun-04 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: Wedding songs
Subject: RE: Wedding songs
I sang THE CALL AND THE ANSWER by Phil Colclough
at my son's wedding two years ago. The words are
so beautiful and the minister said it was on of the
loveliest songs he had ever heard at a wedding.

You called to me and I came running
Like the wind that blows across the moor
All we need is each other
And like the eagles we will soar

You are the call and I am the answer
You are the wish and I am the way
You the music - I the dancer
You are the night and I am the day
You are the night and I am the day

You and I are like two rivers
Run and fall down to the sea
When we meet we're lost forever
Lost forever, you and me

Lay your head upon my pillow
Let your heart beat close to mine
With no past and no tomorrow
Two hearts lost in space and time