The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70995   Message #1212427
Posted By: Justa Picker
22-Jun-04 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry I just don't get it
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry I just don't get it
If it were a perfect world, then sure turn the other cheek and show them all that we're a cut above them. (No pun intended.)
But in doing so you won't win the hearts and minds of insurgents. Point taken b.t.w. Carol).
The only thing they respect is overwhelming force [sic] The Powell Doctrine.

I do believe that to extract vital information that can potentially safeguard the security of the U.S. and their allies and/or potentially save American and coalition lives, ANY necessary measures to extract that information are just fine.

If through these "abusive" methods or lets say through the use of psychological or physical torture, they were able to glean intellgence that prevented a massive radioactive dirty bomb, or a major chemical or nuclear attack, etc.etc.etc. on main land America, would you not think the means to extract that intelligence more than justify the end?

There's no other way sometimes.