The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70995   Message #1213474
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jun-04 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry I just don't get it
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry I just don't get it
Some may be trying to downplay the beheadings based upon some 'more preferable form of murder' standard, but that isn't what I, or PeterK are discussing.

Atrocity can always be used by those who react viscerally, to justify further atrocities. Vengeance is the preferred mode of response for those who are reactionary, and who feel the need to get the adrenalin rush one gets from striking back, regardless of whether those new victims of vengeance are guilty or innocent.

There is nothing moral or decent about any of it.

Perhaps it is time to trot the film 'Hearts and Minds' back out again.