The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69861   Message #1213547
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
24-Jun-04 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: Woody Guthrie Birthday Bash IV
Subject: RE: Woody Guthrie Birthday Bash IV
Well put Steve!   

If I could add my $.02 - I love going to festivals, but there are always dozens of performers I would like to see on the bill. Every festival I go to has "favorites" - some are musicians who the audience wants to see year after year, and others are friends of the festival organizer.

As an outsider, I commend Steve for putting his Woody Guthrie bash together these past 4 years. I hope it continues for many more. I would also love to see other "birthday bashes" crop up around the globe. I hope Steve won't mind that.   Woody's music touches on universal themes and it should not be limited to ONE event.

Hopefully Lorcan and others might be invited in future years. I would love to see John Flynn, Joe Jencks, Catherine Moon, David Lippman, The Solidarity Singers, Rod MacDonald and the dozens of progressive artists who are creating music in the spirit of Woody Guthrie.

By the way, I am happy to say that Lorcan and I are working out a date, hopefully in early September, where he can perform on my show. There is a lot of great music and important music that needs to be heard.   We need to build more stages, not tear down the ones that exist.