The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71093   Message #1215465
Posted By: kendall
28-Jun-04 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cheney says a naughty word
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney says a naughty word
Just another hypocrite. Does this mean that the "sleaze factor" is coming back?

Whem Calvin Coolidge was VP, he was presiding over the senate. One northern senator told a southern senator to "Go to hell". He promptly took offence and addressing Mr. Coolidge said, "I have been insulted on the floor of the senate, and I am calling for a ruling from the chair"! Mr. Coolidge, opened one eye and said, "Chair rules you don't have to go."

Patrick Leahy is a damn good senator; Cheney is a crook who deserves to be exposed.