The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69037 Message #1216163
Posted By: black walnut
29-Jun-04 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: black walnut visiting Europe
Subject: RE: black walnut visiting Europe
So many of you have been so generous!!!!!!! - offering places to stay and people to meet and beds in which to sleep. Thank you so much. We won't have time to be able to see you all, and we can't be in every place to share with you all of your suggestions (architecture, music, theatre, history....), but it makes me crazy with the possibility of coming back a second time, to making more of those things happen!
Last night I was reading through the emails and PMs I've received from all over England and Germany. I wish I could be clearer about our plans, but we are not in the driver's seat when we're over there, so we are having to 'play it by ear', or at least much of it. I have the flights booked so that gives us the bookmarks, at least.
If you don't hear from me between now and the end of July, it's not because I didn't wish we could have met. You've already made us feel more connected to the place just by writing. I'll have phone numbers and email addresses with me and you might get a surprise call. Khatt and Micca are putting us up in London and transport us -for which I am so very thankful - and excited.
June has been a busy month. I taught my early childhood music classes, played harp and my cousin's wedding, sang at Eve Goldberg's wedding, played harp at JeffM's rabbi's wedding celebration, and today I'm going to the bank to figure out how to change dollars into pounds and euros, which is only one thing on a VERY long To Do list.
I'm leaving here early next week. Leaving my garden. Leaving my cats. Leaving my rabbit. Leaving my tropical fish. Leaving my husband (not forever, dear). Leaving my harp, and my guitar, and my piano, and my song circle, and my usual summer folk music festivals. Leaving the time zone. Leaving the smog (you don't have any smog over there, do you?)....