The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71159   Message #1216513
Posted By: Don Firth
29-Jun-04 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Chivalry/Courtesy in Shakespeare?
Subject: RE: Chivalry/Courtesy in Shakespeare?
Shakespeare on singers and singing:

First Page
Shall we clap into't roundly, without hawking or
spitting or saying we are hoarse, which are the only
prologues to a bad voice?
                                        —As You Like It, Act 5, scene iii

Benedick [Aside]
An he had been a dog that should have howled thus,
they would have hanged him;
and I pray God his bad voice bode no mischief.
I had as lief have heard the night-raven,
come what plague could have come after it.
                                        —Much Ado About Nothing, Act 2, scene iii

Don Firth