The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63464 Message #1216686
Posted By: Bert
29-Jun-04 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Discussion: Playing Filthy Lyrics
Subject: RE: Discussion: Playing Filthy Lyrics
I sing lots of songs that are nowadays borderline for polite society. In the Fifties they would have been a no-no.
I consider none of them crude; suggestive, cheeky and bawdy, yes.
There's lots out there which your audience has never heard and will be greatly loved. Just say, I don't know that one but here's one that you will like. And then sing 'em Amos's song "When your pickle glows at night"
You'll be a hit and you'll never be able to sing there again without singing that song.
If you're iun a pub and things aren't going right and you're really desperate! just sing Danny Boy.