The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52618   Message #1217268
Posted By: Cool Beans
30-Jun-04 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: Jingles you remember.
Subject: RE: Jingles you remember.
JOE, arriving in his car (speaking):
Hiya, Kate!
You've got yourself a date!
The gang's at the juke joint
So let's not wait!

KATE, leaning out her window (speaking):
Golly, Joe,
I can't tonight,
Just washed my hair
And it's a fright!

CHORUS (sings):
Aww, poo, poo, poo
Shampoo, poo, poo.
Shampoo your hair
And keep that date.
With Royal Drene
No need to wait.
Your just-washed hair
Won't fly about.
New Royal Drene
Can't dry hair out.

(A long suppressed memory from the depths of somewhere. Scary.)