The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71264   Message #1218194
Posted By: Sttaw Legend
02-Jul-04 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: harri Watts band new CD 'comin' out'
Subject: harri Watts band new CD 'comin' out'
harriWattsband CD is "comin' out" and it is coming out next week if you would like a copy please PM me with your details for an order form, name - address - telephone number, we will do the rest. We had an excellent time making the CD and was joined by a special guest before she was whisked of by "The Whiskey Priests" for a world tour...........

So as not to miss an opportunity for alcoholic refreshment we will be having a CD launch
@ The LAMP - Wednesday 4 August - + spiffing guests - ALL welcome

Next gigoramas:
Thursday 8 July - Queens - Queens Road - Hull
Friday 9 July - Springfield Club - Anlaby Common - Anlaby
Wednesday 4 August - Lamp - Hull