The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71156   Message #1218526
Posted By: Once Famous
02-Jul-04 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Luck Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Good Luck Iraq
First of Raedwulf is a liar because he said that he wouldn't respond to me again, and he did, so he has the credibility of someone like O.J. Simpson. I found it humorous. He took the bait. Calling someone a troll when they are out insulted is idiotic. What a crybaby.

As for the other people that I offended, my pleasure. You show how thin your skin is.

akenation, Virtually No one in America knows or cares about a stupid limey slang word like bollocks.

Guest, Attila the Hun's neice, don't let anyone mistake your dick for a flap over your pussy.