The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71226   Message #1218540
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jul-04 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: B.S.: What Has Gone Wrong With Men?
Subject: RE: B.S.: What Has Gone Wrong With Men?
Okay, so I was sittin' 'round with the P-Vine (wife) yesterday an' I mentioned this thread to her and told her what I said above about Nicole not making herself available to general population of males. Well, since I made that observation and the P-Vine being of the female gender, she had to tell me just how wrong I was... Ahhhh, normal...

So I says to the P-Vine, "Tell ya what, P-Vine, if you think she is so danged available to the general population, lets see if I can get thru to Nicole to ask her out on a date!"

Well, I I've made over 50 phone calls and prolly racked up a hefty phone bill trying to get to Nicole to ask her out and so far the closest I've gotten was to the superintendent of the refuse collection service that services her neighborhood. He called his guy in the field who says there's a locked gate in front of Nicole's house.

Okay, maybe that's not the closest I've gotten. I did get a secretary who works for her publicists who when I told I wanted to apply for the Nicoole's-new-man job siad some stuff that I can't repeat here and then hung up the phone on me....

Well, I might not have gotten a dream date with Nicole but, hey, I've won one against the P-Vine so.... life is good, if not for Nicole, at least fir this ol' hillbilly...
