The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71282   Message #1218976
Posted By: Don Firth
03-Jul-04 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are facts shite?
Subject: RE: BS: Are facts shite?
No, facts are not shite, they are facts. But sometimes, amid the smoke and mirrors, they can be quite rare.

On a couple of occasions some months back I took several of Teribus' posts and checked his "facts" point by point and found most of them to be either distorted or downright hot air (I did some fact checking myself to check out his facts). Out of maybe 1,200 words (in a single post) of "facts," a couple of them checked out, but the problem with them was that they were irrelevant to the point of the discussion. Apparently his tactic is to try to stun you with sheer volume, assuming that you will assume that what he is presenting as facts actually are facts and that you won't bother to check because the list is so long. After calling his bluff a couple of times and checking them out, I don't waste my time reading Teribus' posts anymore (I'm sure Doug will have something to say about that!). I can get more accurate facts (and often at least as relevant to the discussion) by reading the list of ingredients on a can of soup.

What puzzles me is:   1. Where does he get all the time to devote to this? Is he retired? Unemployed? Does he ever do anything else? Is he actually three people?   2. Why does he seem to care so much? What's he selling?

Don Firth