The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71159   Message #1219051
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
03-Jul-04 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Chivalry/Courtesy in Shakespeare?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Chivalry/Courtesy in Shakespeare?
Capri, normally we do a summer visit to Regent's Park, but this year we're trying the Globe, as it was "Shakespeare in Love" that caught my daughter's imagination when whe was 9. (She's now 12 and will have chalked up six out of 37 by the end of July.)

I want the Globe to be a roaring success, and as a tourist attraction it certainly is. The building is a stupendous achievement. But they've done some really weird things, allegedly for artistic integrity, but the cynic in me wonders whether prosaic factors like cast availability might sometimes be more pressing reasons.

I'm wandering off-topic a bit, but for anyone interested the Globe website has some highly effective panoramas of the theatre. Go to theatre > box office > virtual tour then use your mouse to rotate and elevate the views.