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Thread #71282   Message #1219827
Posted By: Teribus
06-Jul-04 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are facts shite?
Subject: RE: BS: Are facts shite?
Don Firth - 03 Jul 04 - 02:46 PM

"On a couple of occasions some months back I took several of Teribus' posts and checked his "facts" point by point and found most of them to be either distorted or downright hot air (I did some fact checking myself to check out his facts)."

You wish!! Dream on, Don - Dream on.

Oh, by the way, if one of those occasions, happened to be your PING and PONG, with respect to the preparedness of the US air defences on 9/11, I would refer you to evidence given to the 9/11 Commission.

Or maybe it was the DU ammunition thing, I'll refer you to the findings of the Royal Society's Report and conclusions.

Or maybe it was the US arsenal and inventory of Chemical/Biological Weapons. On that I will refer you to the undertaking by the US military to the US Congress to have all stockpiles of Chemical weapons and agents destroyed by 2007. In addition I would refer you to the fact that on at least three occasions on this forum I have requested information from any US ex-servicemen who post to this forum, and there are quite a few, to provide information relating to training they have received relating to the storage, handling, arming and deployment of US chemical/biological munitions - the response has been deafening in its silence, for one main reason. NATO (includes US and UK forces) abandoned the development and use of chemical and biological weapons over forty years ago - to my certain knowledge.

Are facts shite, of course they are Akenaton, especially when they are used to show what complete and utter rubbish you trot out at times.

As to Peter K (Fionn) and the clutching at straws thing. I believe that he first used the expression when I drew his attention to the fact that in its development under Dr. F. Castro, Cuba had been in receipt of subsidies from the USSR. His contention on that subject was that such subsidies had dried up years ago. I then pointed out to him that those subsidies had been in existence for 70% of the time that Fidel had been in power, so could therefore not be considered insignificant. On the infant mortality rate he compared one city in the US to Cuba's national figures, I responded by providing the national figures for both the USA and Cuba - they were comparable. Still don't see how I'm "clutching at straws" Peter K.