The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71252   Message #1220029
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Jul-04 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Bush is THE criminal' Saddam ha ha ha
Subject: RE: BS: 'Bush is THE criminal' Saddam ha ha ha
I know what you're speaking of Teribus, but it does not change my low opinion of the RAF's nightly depredations upon German (and other) cities...or the Americans' firebombings and atomic bombings...or the Nazis bombings in Spain and Russia and many other places...or the Italian bombings in Africa before WWII...or the British bombings in the Middle East before WWII...or the American bombings in Vietnam.

Mass murder by great powers for their own gain. Mass murder.

I name all of it for what it is.

Goering merely pointed out the obvious. But because he was a chosen "bad guy", nobody gave him any credibility. The people judging Goering were looking straight at their own ugly reflection in the great mirror of Life...and they were ultimately judging...themselves. Accordingly, they sentenced him to death. That's what they (subconsciously) figured they deserved. Maybe they were right. Maybe not.

Goering "cheated" them of their little petty moment of power and control by taking his own life first with a hidden poison capsule.

When people judge others, they are judging themselves. Execution is murder.