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Thread #66230   Message #1220365
Posted By: Cruiser
06-Jul-04 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Okay, by selecting John Edwards as his running mate, Kerry has cinched my vote. I have never voted for a Democrat for anything that I can recall (maybe dogcatcher?).

I am not too happy voting for 2 Democrat lawyers, but at least they know the rules of logic; something Bush could not even comprehend. I do not like big settlements for plaintiffs that were the forte of John Edwards, but there are worse things. I like that he is against NAFTA and outsourcing of jobs and that he is a self-made man. The only experience he needs is the intelligence that he possesses. He is a decent man and worthy of my vote. Had Kerry picked someone else, I probably would not have voted. I dislike Kerry much less than I despise Bush.

ellenpoly: Thanks for the link, I visited the update just a few minutes ago. Glad you became a member.

Sigurd: NAFTA has caused job loss (cheaper Mexican labor), outsourcing of jobs, invited increased illegal immigration, and increased pollution along Border States with Mexico (Mexican factories and vehicles do not have to meet the same U.S. environmental standards).

Bobert: Now, I'm a'holdin my danged nose and I'm a'askin you to do the same and vote for Kerry/Edwards.

All you Democrats; liberal, middle-of-the-road, and conservative: Pull together and vote for Kerry, please don't waste your vote. If this old conservative Republican can force himself to vote for a democratic ticket, the least you could do is help rid the country of Mr. Bush.

My son asked me the other day "Dad, and you are a Republican because?" Bush, his Cabinet, and their religious nonsense have changed my views of, and made me cynical towards my Party's philosophy. If Kerry wins, perhaps the Republicans will change their ways and get back to the reason I have been, and always will be, a Republican.
