The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71327   Message #1220457
Posted By: John MacKenzie
07-Jul-04 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Outward Bound (C. Fox Smith)
As I went a walking one evening
From Wapping down Ratcliff Highway
I chanced to go into an alehouse
To spend a long night and a day

Well a young doxy came up to me
And she asked if I'd money to sport
For a bottle of wine changed a guinea
She quickly replied 'That's the sort'

The wine it was brought to the table
There were bottles for every one
When I asked for the change of me guinea
She tipped me the verse of a song

Well a gold watch hung over the mantel
For the change of my guinea I'd take
I took it; from the window slipped lightly
Crying dang me old boots I'm well paid

So come all you young sailors
That wander down Ratcliff Highway
If you chance to go into an alehouse
Be careful how long lads you stay

For the wine and the women invite you
Till you think that you mind's disarranged
And if you give them a guinea for a bottle
You can go to the devil for your change.

Ratcliff Highway is in London BTW.
