The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71280   Message #1220961
Posted By: GUEST,Pete Peterson
07-Jul-04 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Slobberchops is Hungry
This just got pointed out to me (and I've been away for a few days) so Here Goes. The song was written about our first Newfoundland dog, Gander Slobberchops, and can be shown from internal evidence to have been written between August 9 1974 and January 20 1977, which is true. Woodbury (in the first line) is where my ex and I were living at the time, a small town in Litchfield County CT.

Largest dog in all Woodbury, fastest mouth in all the land
Travelers ought well be wary, feeding time is now at hand
Salesmen, postmen, bill collectors,
Hearken well unto my song:

Slobberchops is hungry, hungry, hungry,
Slobberchops is hungry all day long (repeat those 2 lines)

When you see that head approaching, tongue of fully eight inch length
On your food he'll be encroaching, give it up and save your strength
Some he gets by intimidation,
Some he begs with mournful eye,
Slobberchops is hungry. . .

Newfies all have iron intestines, They'll eat anything, I've heard say
When you're faced with awkward questions,
They'll make evidence go away
Nixon should have had a Newfie,
He'd be President today