The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71377   Message #1221233
Posted By: GUEST,DMcF
08-Jul-04 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Saddleworth Folk Festival - July 16-18th
Subject: RE: Saddleworth Folk Festival - July 16-18th
Nae probs Tash - I'll teach you it at Saddleworth. Be glad to.
How'd ya like the 'Woodshed Boys' CD by the way?
(And have you heard it playing in the background on 'Emmerdale'?!!!Naw! Don't suppose y'have - I don't watch it either - but a fan of ours from Wigan phoned us up all excited about it)

By the by, you can also do the 'official photographer' bit for the band if you've the inclination - your work had been first class afore! (Other folk might want to engage your talents on that score!)
We've a 30min spot in the main hall on the Sat evening (first on?) - which will be some achievement! (getting a six-piece folk-rock band on and off in time!)

There'll be a good concert on the Sat aft I reckon - upstairs in a big room of a pub on the main drag. A few artists on (in line) one song at a time each, each song to 'link' to the one just heard.
Did that there last year - a scream! Copper Kettle to host, I think - but with Stanley Accrington in the line up (he was there with me last year) things will be roarin' good fun I'm sure! Think I'll bring a 'prize' and get the audience to decide who's link was the best/most tenuous - congrats in advance Stan! - Hugs - Duncan (who really should be knuckling down to work here!)